Mark Farrar's Mnemonics Site

Published on Thursday, February 16, 2006 in , , , , , ,

I've mentioned Mark Farrar's site before (here and here), but the attention has mainly been focused on the Magic Squares section of his site.

OK, to be fair, magic squares are most definitely Mark's strong point. Still, as much time as I've spent on memory feats on the blog, you would think that I would have paid some attention to the Mnemonics section.

The first thing you'll note is that this section is deceptively small. There are sections teaching the link method and the figure alphabet, as well as links and references (if you've found my MemoryEffects.pdf list useful, you'll also find this list quite useful), and that seems to be it.

Seems is the operative word here. If you look at the bottom of the memory section, you'll find a link to a password-protected section of the site, along with the clue to the password. Viciously, if you try and Google for the answer to the clue, the only link you'll get (at least at this writing), is a link back to that same page.

If you do make it to the memory test section, you'll find tests for the Knight's Tour, as well as several different card stacks.

The coolest test, however, is what is called the Conveyer Belt Memory Test. This test is for the link method, and challenges you to remember objects scrolling on a TV screen, as if on a conveyer belt. Your challenge is to remember as many as possible. The test is customizable, allowing you to adjust the number of objects (up to 35), as well as the speed. This one stands out because it has the most "real world" feel about it. Practicing this test regularly can really boost your confidence as you ability increases, and you can remember more items at a higher speed.

Quick Note: If you enjoy links like this, and would like to learn and practice more memory techniques and feats, I'll be making a major announcement in the near future that may be of great interest to you.

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