Memory Effects Galore!

Published on Sunday, April 17, 2005 in , , , , , ,

For some time now, I've kept a list of where to find memory-related routines as I ran across them. I've shared it here and there, but I've never really had a way to regularly share an updated list until this blog.

The list itself is broken up into four major sections:

1) Articles - These are articles about different approaches to memory and mnemonics.
2) Legitimate Memory Demonstrations - Just what the name implies, of course.
3) Covert Use of Memory Technique - These are routines in which memory is used in secret, rather than as an open display.
4) Simulated Memory Demonstrations - These routines that give the appearance of requiring a trained memory, but actually don't.

The file is called MemoryEffects.pdf (free Adobe Acrobat Reader required), and will always be available as the first item with the links section in the sidebar, along with the date at which it was last updated.

This file is only a list of where to find memory-related routines. The routines themselves are not taught in this list. The format of each item on the list is as follows:

"Title" - Description of routine or article, Book/Magazine/Resource where it can be found, Publisher and/or author

At this writing, the file is approximately 100K, and is 21 pages long, so there's plenty to explore. I hope you find this list as useful as I have.

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3 Response to Memory Effects Galore!

4:40 PM

Hey Scott,

Thanks so much for sharing your “memory effects” list.
It was great and very helpful.

I am also a big fan of memory feats (manly legitimate) and also invented a few of my own.

Can you please tell me where I can buy the book:"memory of the mind” by Eddie Joseph?

Thanks again,


6:27 PM

You're welcome, Itay.

"Memory of the Mind" by Eddie Joseph was put out in 1952 by Abbott's.

Your best chance of finding it today would probably be through used book dealers.

9:15 AM

