Quick Snippets

Published on Thursday, February 11, 2010 in , , , , , , , , , ,

LinksYes, it's time for February's snippets!

• So, you've mastered the Day For Any Date feat and 40 30s 4 15? Now, you take them both to the next level simultaneously with the 41 Puzzle Mint Calendar! This is basically a 41-piece version of the classic 15 puzzle, prepared as a calendar, and using extra icons that can be used to denote special days.

• I've certainly mentioned plenty of iPhone and iPod Touch flashcard programs to help your memory. However, now there's a memory-helping program of a different sort. It's called Memgellan (iTunes Link), and instead of quizzing you on Flashcards, it helps you develop mental journeys for the Journey and Loci memory systems. You can create and review journeys in this app, which helps you use them as mnemonic hooks later on. Take a look at this video to get a better idea of exactly what it does:

• Do you enjoy Sudoku, but get frustrated when you can't solve the puzzle you're working? Let Excel solve it for you! If you think Sudoku problems are too difficult for a spreadsheet program to solve, then you're in for a surprise. The Microsoft Excel team themselves show you how to do just this in their article Building a Basic, Understandable Sudoku Solver Using Excel Iterative Calculation (Part 1, Part 2). You may or may not be able to adapt this technique to other spreadsheets, since it largely depends on iterative calculations.

• This entry could only be last, because part of it will seem like snippets-within-snippets! Check out Clifford A. Pickover's site. If his name doesn't ring a bell, the best place to start is his About section, of course. However, you should explore the site as a whole. Regular Grey Matters readers will definitely enjoy the Alien Tiles Puzzle and the Reality Carnival. I'm currently reading his Math Book (yep, that's the real name!), which seems to teach me something new everytime I open it!

Have you found anything you'd like to share with Grey Matters readers? Let's hear about them in the comments!

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