Bicycle Sudoku Mnemonic

Published on Thursday, November 02, 2006 in , , , , ,

Bicycle Sudoku CardHave you ever opened up a new deck of Bicycle Playing Cards and seen the card featuring a Sudoku puzzle?

It's meant as an ad for the Bicycle Sudoku puzzle deck. Imagine, when someone opens a deck and finds such a card, that they hand you the Sudoku card, you take a brief look at it, and then hand it back, rattling off all the numbers from left to right and top to bottom!

One interesting thing is that the demo puzzle is always the exact same puzzle, the one pictured in the upper left corner of this article. With that little bit of knowledge, this pseudo-memory feat becomes much easier.

First, you need to learn the Link System and the Peg System. Once you're comfortable with those methods, you just need to learn the following paragraph by heart:

"Jay Leno, our Honda issue: My wheel may err. No good paved. Bike error? Bashed notch off Park Avenue, hit oil well here."

This sentence translates into the numbers from the puzzle! Here's how the phrase breaks down with the corresponding numbers in parentheses:

"J(6)ay L(5)en(2)o, our(4) Hon(2)d(1)a iss(6)ue: M(3)y wheel(5) m(3)ay err(4). N(2)o g(7)ood(1) p(9)av(8)ed(1). B(9)ik(7)e err(4)or(4)? B(9)ash(6)ed(1) n(2)otch(6) off(8) P(9)ar(4)k(7) Av(8)en(2)ue, hit(1) oil(5) well(5) her(4)e."

One you're practiced in both the mnemonic systems and the above phrase, you'll have a feat you can perform as either a psuedo-memory feat, or a divination feat!

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2 Response to Bicycle Sudoku Mnemonic

5:25 AM

That's great!

I love impressing people with remembered answers, and spend most mornings memorising the quize in the newspaper.

However, I don't get how Jay Leno helps you remember 652, Can you please elaborate further?


12:12 PM

Patrick, I apologize for the confusion.

In the article, I mention that you need to learn the Peg System (this link now works properly). The Peg System is a way of remembering numbers by translating them into phoentic sounds.

Follow the link above, select any of the links under "Peg System", and you'll learn more about this idea in greater detail.