Rubik's Sudoku?!?

Published on Thursday, March 30, 2006 in , ,

Rubik's SudokuYes, Rubik's Sudoku is a real thing, or at least it will be soon. The question marks are in the title of this post because there's no word on the official Rubik's site about this product yet. I'm not even sure exactly what this thing is.

Doing some digging around the web, here's what I've found. Funagain Games is the only US supplier I've found for Rubik's Sudoku. Over in the UK, Amazon.co.uk's listing for it is already up.

It seems to be some kind of Sudoku visualizer, built by Rubik's that comes with a book of 100 puzzles of it's own, and can be set up for any other Sudoku puzzle, as well. It's expected to be released in May, 2006. From the descriptions, you can use it both in the "normal way" (apparently with all tiles being the same color), or with colored tiles, to help you visualize possible solutions better.

As soon as more information is available on this new mystery item, I'll provide an update.

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