Google Homepage Gadget

Published on Thursday, June 29, 2006 in ,

Google logoIt's time to add another way to make it easier to navigate the site! In the past, I've added an RSS feed and even a Dashboard Widget.

The new addition is a gadget for your Google personalized homepage. Actually, I've created two versions of the gadget, the Grey Matters Blog gadget and the Grey Matters Video gadget.

The gadgets will keep you updated as to updates to their respective sites. Once placed on your page, you can set it up to regularly show the 3 most recent posts. Clicking "edit" on the gadget will allow you to select your preference of how many recent posts are shown, from 1 to 9.

Clicking on either or both the previous two links, or the Google Homepage Gadget links over in the Site Feeds section, and click the Add It Now button, and it will be added to your Google homepage. If you don't already have one, you can set it up at the same time.

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